About Us


Our Board of Directors

President - Sylvia King (Founder)

Vice President - Chad King (Founder)

Treasurer - Terry Finnigan

Secretary - Dawn Finnigan

Director - Charles (Chuck) Dilts

Public Relations Officer - Ruth Dilts

We started a ride in 2016 to raise some dollars to help out local charities that help our Veterans. Each year the event got a little bigger. As each year passed, we noticed that we had more Veterans that needed help.

With your help, we are able to add more missions to the Calendar. Events like Camping, Thanksgiving, Christmas Baskets, Pizza parties for our Homeless Veterans, All American Camp Out, not to mention all the side missions of helping our Veterans who need emergency assistance with essential items.

Our Crew Members are all civilian and Veteran volunteers that help serve the Veterans in need.

U Matter 2 Inc.  18890 5th Road, Plymouth IN 46563    (574)-327-8095

E-mail: umatter2022@yahoo.com  Facebook: U Matter 2 Inc.